Journal of Conchology 44/4
u rinary sChistosoMiasis VeCtor in southWestern e urope 369
the size of these sex organs depends on gonadal activity (Reeves, 1936; Leonard & Córdoba– Aguilar, 2010). Rotchschild (1938) found in Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant, 1777) parasitized speci mens with abnormal penises, with sizes more reduced (hemiphally), and absence total of penis due to the total destruction of the testicle (aphally). However, the female organs and ducts are perfectly normal and allow the reproduction through self-fertilization, a unique way of repro duction for such specimens. The aphallic speci mens are more fertile and lay more eggs than the euphallics, important for the colonization of new places. The aphally is transmitted preferably to its descendants, although they can also produce euphallic descendants (Larambergue, 1939; Jarne et al ., 1992; own dates). Although initially it was thought that these individuals can invest more energy in reproduction, avoiding it in the forma tion and maintenance of the male organs (Jarne et al ., 1992), later Ostrowski et al. (2003) suggest that the cost of the construction and maintenance of the phallus must be very low in this species and suggest investigating the cost associated with the use of the penis (e.g. search of a mate, courtship and copulatory behaviours, sperm production) to explain the maintenance of high frequencies of aphallic individuals in natural populations. a cknowledgMents To Dr. Francesc Uribe, curator of molluscs, and Miguel Prieto, data manager, of the “Museu de Ciències Naturals” of Barcelona, and to Dr. Rafael Araujo, curator of molluscs of the “Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales” of Madrid, who we remember very emotionally after his recent passing, for allowing us to review the samples deposited in their respective collections. Also, Dr. Elisabetta Pintore from the Università degli Studi di Sassari of Sardinia (Italy) for help with provid ing us with material of B. truncatus . Finally, to the Section of Electron Microscopy of the SCSIE of the University of Valencia for assistance with photography using the MEB Hitachi S–4100. This study was financed by Health Research Project No. PI16/00520, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento de la Acción Estratégica en Salud (AES) y Fondos FEDER, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación, ISCIII–MINECO, Madrid, Spain; by the Red de Investigación de Centros
de Enfermedades Tropicales–RICET (Project No. RD16/0027/0023 of the PN de I+D+I, ISCIII– Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa RETICS), Ministry of Health and Consumption, Madrid; by PROMETEO Programs, “Programa de Ayudas para Grupos de Investigación de Excelencia”, Generalitat Valenciana, PROMETEO/2016/099 and PROMETEO/2021/004, Valencia, Spain.Also funded by CIBER de Enfermedades Infecciosas (CB21/13/00056), ISCIII, Ministry of Science and Education, Madrid, Spain. r eferences A DANSON M 1757 Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Coquillages, Paris. A DIYODI KG & A DIYODI RG (Eds.) 1994 Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, vol 2, Spermatogenesis and Sperm function , Wiley, Chichester. A LDRECHT C, K UHN K & S TREIT B 2007 A molecu lar phylogeny of Planorboidea (Gastropoda, Pulmonata): insights from enhanced taxon sam pling. Zoologica Scripta 36(1): 27–39. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1463–6409.2006.00258.x A LLAN F, R OLLINSON D, S MITH JE & D UNN AM 2009 Host choice and penetration by Schistosoma haema tobium miracidia. Journal of Helminthology 83 : 33–38. DOI: A UDOUIN V 1826 Explication sommaire des planches de Mollusques de I’Egypte et de la Syrie publiées par J. C. Savigny (1917). Description de I’Egypte ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant I’expédition de I’armée française, publie par les ordres de sa majesté I’empereur Napoléon le grand. Histoire Naturelle, Imprimerie impériale, Paris, Animaux invertébrés 1(4): 7–56. B AKER FC 1945 The molluscan family Planorbidae. The University of Illinois Press Urbana. Illinois, 1–530 pp. (Collation, Revision, and Additions by H.J. Van Cleave). B AYOMY MFF & J OOSSE J 1987 Effects of Isolation, Grouping and Population Density on Fecundity of Bulinus truncatus. International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 12(3): 319–330. B ERRY A, M ONÉ H, I RIART X, M OUAHID G, A BBO O, B OISSIER J, F ILLAUX J, C ASSAING S, D EBUISSON C, V ALENTIN A, M ITTA G, T HÉRON A & M AGNAVAL JF 2014 Schistosomiasis haematobium , Corsica, France. Emerging Infectious Diseases 20(9): 1595–1597. DOI: B OISSIER J, M ONE H, M ITTA G, B ARGUES MD, M OLYNEUX D & M AS –C OMA S 2015 Schistosomiasis reaches Europe. Lancet infectious Diseases 15: 757–8. DOI: B OISSIER J, G RECH –A NGELINI S, W EBSTER BL, A LLIENNE J–F, H UYSE T, M AS –C OMA S, T OULZA E, B ARRE –C ARDI
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