Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 99/397



a report fromMajor Vincent Eyre that ‘Minié rifles’ [sic] used by his men in battle were inefficient due to the ammunition not fitting properly. Campbell resolved to recall all those in use at Calcutta and re-issue the ‘Brown Bess’ (presumably the 1842 musket). After a trial of the two types, he rescinded his order. 13 Enfield Rifle 14 13 th Light Infantry. 100 Miniés issued Sept 1854, replaced by Enfields while in the trenches in the Crimea. 15 24 th Foot. Issued at Peshawar September 1856, replacing the 1842 pattern musket. 16 43 rd Light Infantry. 35 issued in 1857. 52 nd Light Infantry. In use from early stages of the Mutiny. 17 53 rd Foot. 18 1/60 th Rifles. 1,040 issued in 1856; this was the only regiment with a complete complement at the outbreak of the Mutiny. The 2-band model was issued in 1858. 19

64 th Foot. 150 issued in 1857. 74 th Foot. 35 issued in 1857. 75 th Foot. 20 78 th Foot. 38 + 17 issued in 1856. 79th Highlanders 82 nd Foot. 21 86 th Foot. 208 issued in 1856.

13 Balcarres D. Wardlaw Ramsay, Rough Recollections of Military Service and Society (Edinburgh, 1882) Vol I, p. 273. 14 D.F. Harding, Smallarms of the East India Company 1600-1856 Vol IV The Users and their Smallarms (London, 1999) lists weapons in use by British and Indian regiments up to 1856-57. 15 Henry Everett, The History of the Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert’s) 1685-1914 (London, 1934), pp. 227, 229. 16 George Paton, Farquhar Glennie and William Penn (eds), Historical Records of the 24 th Regiment, from its formation, in 1689 (London, 1892), p. 173. 17 W.S. Moorsom, Historical Record of the Fifty-Second Regiment (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) from the Year 1755 to the Year 1858 (2 nd edn, London, 1860) p. 375. 18 O.J. Jones, Recollections of a Winter Campaign in India 1857-58 (London, 1859), p. 84. 19 R. Barter, The Siege of Delhi: Mutiny Memoirs of an Old Officer (London, 1984), p. 39; Michael Barthorp and Douglas N Anderson, The British Troops in the Indian Mutiny 1857-59 (London, 1994), p. 40. 20 Barter, Siege of Delhi , pp. 10-11, 113. 21 Thomas Seaton, From Cadet to Colonel (London, nd c. 1890), p. 417.

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