Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 99/397
The purpose of the IRGs is to further a charitable role of the Society by providing encouragement and support for those undertaking private research with the intention of publication. Grants are open to any member of the Society for Army Historical Research world-wide who is not currently enrolled at a university or similar institution. It is the Society’s intention every year to make available a sum of up to £1,000 to successful applicants. The grants are for expenses associated with research such as travel, accommodation, permission to use a digital camera in an archive, photocopying fees etc. and not, for example, to write up material already researched. The Society will also consider applications for fees towards image licenses for publications. IRGs will only be granted for research that relates to the British Army or the land forces of the British Empire and the Commonwealth. This includes any aspect of the Army and its activities, including reserve or auxiliary units, (Militia, Yeomanry, Fencibles, Volunteers or Home Guard) or the offices and institutions that supported them. It also includes both the Royalist, Parliamentary and Covenanting armies of the English Civil Wars, and forces maintained by non- Crown bodies, such as the Honourable East India Company, or forces allied to and forming an integral part of the land forces operating on behalf of the Crown (North American Indians, for example). This does not include land forces administered by the Admiralty, such as Royal Marine Commandos. For a copy of the rules and guidance of the IRG scheme and for further details on how to apply, please visit . Informal enquiries may be addressed to the University Research Grants Administrator, at . The deadline for applications for IRGs in every year is 1st November. They are adjudicated and decisions are made by Council in December.
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