J288 The Journal for WSD

My Fine Weaving Yarn has closed but you can still buy many of your favourite yarns from our friends at Weaving Yarn Limited.

You can find them at weavingyarn.co.uk We are continuing as Weaving Looms UK.

British yarns & fibre blends designed and prepared at our Mill in Devon

EVERYTHING you need for WEAVING, SPINNING and DYEING Textiles Find us at weavinglooms.co.uk for Toika looms and an extensive range of reeds, tools and equipment for handweavers. Looms and equipment are available to see and try at our premises in Lutterworth, Leicestershire. Visits by appointment are very welcome. You can contact us through our website weavinglooms.co.uk Email us info@weavinglooms.co.uk Or call us on 01455 554647 Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

www.jarbon.com • shop@jarbon.com • @jarbontextiles


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visit the website to view the entire range: www.georgeweil.com George Weil & Sons Ltd, Old Portsmouth Road, Peasmarsh, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1LZ T: 01483 565800 E: sales@georgeweil.com


Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers 288, Winter 2023

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