J288 The Journal for WSD
Isabella Whitworth is an artist, dyer, tutor and author and has researched aspects of the historical trade in orchil lichens. https://isabellawhitworth.com We would like to acknowledge valuable input from Caroline Nixon who makes a range of handmade botanically printed and naturally dyed art cloth. https://handmadetextilesbycaroline.co.uk *ASDC: Associateship of the Society of Dyers and Colourists is equivalent to an Honours Degree in dyeing. Footnotes 1 Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013) Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Milkweed Editions . Also (2020) in paperback by Penguin. 2 https://thelandmagazine.org.uk/articles/has-foraging-gone-too-far (Accessed 31 July 2023). Links and references BSBI Plant Atlas 2020 https://bsbi.org/plant-atlas-2020 BSBI Code of Conduct https://tinyurl.com/BSBI-Code-of-Conduct Association of Foragers Principles of Practice https://foragers-association.org/principles Organisations contacted Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland https://bsbi.org Devon Wildlife Trust https://www.devonwildlifetrust.org British Lichen Society https://britishlichensociety.org.uk British Mycological Society https://www.britmycolsoc.org.uk Plantlife https://www.plantlife.org.uk Association of Foragers https://foragers-association.org Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust https://www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk
7. are very much more aware of the issues and safeguards surrounding foraging should we decide to take material from the wild (e.g., weld, oak galls and other tannin sources). As a group we will continue to use sustainable dyestuffs with reliable historical provenance while referring to the guidelines for the BSBI and Association of Foragers. 8. have in common an awareness of the damage done by the historical over-exploitation of wild species used in natural dyeing. Actions We have all joined the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) and love their online plant atlas. In addition, some of us regularly use plant identification apps to aid our knowledge. Susan and Ashley got to know their local professional forager in Hitchin and went on a walk with her. They now have a much better understanding of the impacts of growing native and introduced dye plants in their garden and include foraging guidelines in their workshops. Isabella has rewritten natural dye teaching notes to reflect research done by the group. About the authors Deb Bamford ASDC* is recognised for her knowledge of historical dyeing and for challenging perceptions that the past had a limited colour range. Currently studying for a PhD at the University of Leeds investigating the aluminium based mordanting process and the potential of alternative bio-based mordants. http://mulberrydyer.com Jane Deane ASDC* is a natural dyer, fibre specialist, spinner, author and tutor. http://www.janedeane.co.uk Susan Dye and Ashley Walker: Nature’s Rainbow , maintain a website on dye plant horticulture and sell seeds saved from their dye garden in Hitchin. https://www.naturesrainbow.co.uk
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Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers 288, Winter 2023
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