J288 The Journal for WSD
Association News
The AGWSD 2023 Summer School at Harper Adams University was the largest summer school yet. Approximately 300 people were involved with eighteen courses, Certificate of Achievement assessments, the Graduate Showcase, Tutor exhibition, Trade Fair and Open Day. As always it was a wonderful event of like-minded people concentrating on what they enjoy in very good company. Many thanks to all those involved in the organisation of the event, which took over two years of planning. It is a huge commitment for volunteers, but has equally huge rewards when the event comes together. Once one summer school has ended, the plans for the next one begin. I have already had offers from potential tutors with ideas for courses for the next summer school. Talking of summer schools, I was given a number of old Journal WSD issues at this summer school. They are a wealth of information. The 1983 summer school cost £255 for full board plus a course. Good value for money then, summer schools are still incredibly good value for money now. Another interesting aspect of these old Journals is the hunt for volunteers to run the Association events. This seems to be a perpetual predicament. The GPC are working on a policy for advertising for any of the roles within the organisation, so that we have consistency and are very clear as to the skills required for each of the roles and what is required for each role. Some are more IT based, some are more people based, some are organisational. Not to say that we are being selective, just to say
The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers www.wsd.org.uk Registered Charity No 289590 President: Jennie Parry, Life President: Paddy Bakker Vice President: Elizabeth Day Please address Association correspondence to Hon. Secretary: secretary@wsd.org.uk
General Purposes Committee Chair: Janet Crowther, chair@wsd.org.uk Vice Chair: Janet Maher , vicechair@wsd.org.uk Hon. Treasurer: Christina Chisholm, treasurer@wsd.org.uk Hon. Secretary: Mary England , secretary@wsd.org.uk Convenor of Summer School 2023: Chris Knowles, ssconvenor@wsd.org.uk Foundation Certificate: Janet Maher , foundation@wsd.org.uk Certificate of Achievement: Janet Crowther, certificate@wsd.org.uk Certificate in Advanced Textile Studies: Janet Crowther, certificate@wsd.org.uk Newsletter: Lorna Shannon, newsletter@wsd.org.uk National Exhibition: exhibition@wsd.org.uk Conference: conference@wsd.org.uk Area Links Scotland, Northern Ireland & Others: Ann Johnson, sanio@wsd.org.uk Northern: Ann Martin, north@wsd.org.uk Acting JEC Chair: Sue McDaid, jecchair@wsd.org.uk JEC Treasurer: Lesley Fidler , jectreasurer@wsd.org.uk
• To encourage and maintain integrity and excellence of craftsmanship. • To encourage a sense of beauty of material, texture, colour and design. • To foster these aims for individuals through the Certificate of Achievement. • To promote opportunities for exchange of information through lectures, library facilities, conferences, and exhibitions, both locally and nationally. • To further co-operation between member Guilds and liaise with other Guilds and societies with like aims.
Wales & Central: Cath Snape, wandc@wsd.org.uk East & South East: Andrea Easey, eandse@wsd.org.uk South & South West: Kay Johnston, sandsw@wsd.org.uk
that a round peg in a round hole is easier all round. The GPC work as a team, volunteers are not left to flounder, there is IT training to enable all to access Microsoft Office 365. It has its quirks, as we all do, but the Association
is building a resource for the future that will not rely on the likes of me who enjoy hunting out snippets from old Journals. Janet Crowther, AGWSD Chair
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Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers 288, Winter 2023
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