J288 The Journal for WSD

Journal www.wsd.org.uk for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers The

Why do you spin, weave or dye or have an interest in these craft skills? In her history of weaving and wellbeing on p.16, occupational therapist Lesley Lougher provides five ideas as to what it is that these skills can provide, not just in the context of occupational therapy but for all of us who enjoy them. We expect you will be able to relate to one or many of Lesley’s suggestions. Foraging is often thought of as being TV restaurateurs going out with a guide to find unfeasibly small amounts of foodstuffs in the context of catering for dozens of people; their exploits often followed by a beach barbecue or other al fresco method of consumption. But experienced natural dyers Deb Bamford, Jane Deane, Susan Dye & Ashley Walker and Isabella Whitworth point out on p.8, that natural dyers forage for many of their materials. Consequently, they need to consider best practice in their gathering. But there are more questions than answers and their six conclusions open the way for more research. Indigo, modern sheep breeds, universal tie-ups for floor looms, the history of the merino sheep, tartan, dyeing with coffee grounds and safflowers are amongst the many and varied topics included in the wide range of articles by this quarter’s contributors. Whilst the nights are long and outdoor activities like gardening can be put on hold, we hope that you will find something here to inspire you for a winter of weaving, spinning and dyeing and give hope for what the new year will bring. One thing to look forward to in Spring 2024 will be our next special issue, dedicated to the subject of sustainability within our crafts. It promises to inspire, interest and explore a variety of ways in which we can make our work more sustainable and kinder to the planet. Lesley Fidler and Sue McDaid (who are temporarily sharing the JEC Chair’s role)



4 Notebook 23 AGWSD National Conference 2024 28 Association News

FEATURES 6 Third EWA Study Tour to Finland May 2023

Gillian Thomas

8 Foraging for Colour

Deb Bamford, Jane Deane, Susan Dye & Ashley Walker and Isabella Whitworth

14 Spanish Sheep Breeds — Part 1

Teresa Cabellos Lesley Lougher

16 Weaving and Wellbeing

24 Understanding Weaving Drafts — Part 3

Stacey Harvey-Brown

REPORTS 13 Theo Moorman Grant Reports 2023 20 Guild Highlights 23 Report on the AGWSD AGM 2023

REVIEWS 29 Exhibition Reviews 33 Book Reviews

LISTINGS 36 Diary 40 Classified Advertisements 41 Guild Secretaries Contact List

Front cover: Natural indigo dyed mill waste yarn Photo: Sarah Ward (see Theo Moorman Grant Reports 2023, p.13)

Back cover: Xalda sheep Photo: Marina Perez (see Spanish Sheep Breeds, p.14)

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Journal Editorial Committee Acting Chair: Sue McDaid, London Secretary: Sue McDaid, London

Articles to: jecweave@wsd.org.uk jecspin@wsd.org.uk jecdye@wsd.org.uk

Advertising to: jecads@wsd.org.uk Booking date for Advertising: 10 November for Spring. 10 February for Summer. 10 May for Autumn. 10 August for Winter. Enquiries are welcomed concerning layout, setting (for which there may be a modest extra cost), and discounts. See Classified pages for rates and payment methods. Copy dates for submissions of Features, Guild Highlights, Reviews and Notebook: please contact the relevant Editor at their email address on the left.

jecfeatures@wsd.org.uk Other submissions to: jechighlights@wsd.org.uk jecbookreviews@wsd.org.uk jecnotebook@wsd.org.uk jecdiary@wsd.org.uk jec exhibitionreviews@wsd.org.uk jecshowcase@wsd.org.uk

Minute Secretary: Katharine Bagshaw, Highland Treasurer: Lesley Fidler, Bradford & District, Online Journal Subscriptions: Anita Mawson, Online Features Editors: Weave – Stacey Harvey-Brown, Online Spin – Vacancy Dye – Jennifer Bonner, Durham Guild Highlights: Rosemary Mitchell-Schuitevoerder, Tynedale Notebook: Hilary Miller, Gwynedd Book Reviews: Sally Firth, Eden Valley, Online Readers Showcase: Claire Beaton, Online Diary: Geraldine Wilkins, Ulster

Journal Archive: Sarah Kell y jecarchive@wsd.org.uk

Subscriptions: Order via the website - wsd.org.uk/the-journal Orders by post, and cheques to The Journal for Weavers Spinners and Dyers, 4 Lindley Farm Cottages, Cinder Lane, Otley LS21 2QN Guild subscriptions – special rates for bulk orders mailed to one address (minimum order 3). Direct subscription for 4 issues: UK Standard Print subscription £20, Digital subscription £20, combined Print/Digital subscription £24; Guild members, students and recent graduates (within 2 years of graduation) Print subscription £18, Digital subscription £18, combined Print/Digital subscription £22. Postage rates outside the UK may be subject to change. European Union Countries Print only subscription £26. NB. Subscribers in EU countries may be charged VAT and a handling charge at the current rate for their country of residence prior to delivery of each copy of the Journal. Countries outside European Union and UK Airmail delivery: Print subscription £32, Digital subscription £20, combined Print/ Digital subscription £36. Cheques payable to: The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers

The Journal Editorial Committee reserves the right to refuse to publish any advertisement and takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Copyright of article content belongs to the author. Layout copyright belongs to the Journal . Readers should note that statements made by contributors are not necessarily representative of the Committee’s opinions.

Advertising: Kath Gerrard, Bedfordshire Website: Jo Finlow, Hampshire, Online GPC Representative: Mary England, Stafford Knot Spinners

The Journal is produced quarterly by the Journal Editorial Committee of The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Registered charity no. 289590. www.wsd.org.uk

Copy Editor: Anna Morgan, Tawe Design: Sam Ross, ESC Spinners

Journal correspondence to the Secretary email: jecsecretary@wsd.org.uk

ISSN 0267-7806 Printed by Henry Ling Ltd, The Dorset Press, Dorchester DT1 1HD


Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers 288, Winter 2023

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