Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 99/397
First published in 1921, the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research is one of the premier journals of military history. It is published quarterly, in March, June, September and December. The Hon. Editor welcomes Articles, Communications, and Notes and Documents from members and non-members of the Society on any aspect of the history of the British Army – including the Militia and Volunteer Forces, and armies levied by the Crown in earlier times – or land forces in the countries of the Commonwealth and former British Empire. It is a journal of record, publishing a wide range of papers on subjects as diverse as military campaigns, war and society, uniforms and weapons, and military art and architecture. As part of its mission to promote army historical research, the JSAHR also has an ongoing commitment to publishing primary sources. Thus, it includes editions of letters and diaries from all periods, as well as a selection of personal military memoirs and reminiscences. Every issue includes at least one full colour illustration. Contributions submitted for consideration should be formatted according to the guide for contributors available from the Hon. Editor or online at Items accepted for publication may be returned to the author for corrections to bring them into conformity with these guidelines, if they do not so conform when submitted. Articles should be no longer than 9,000 words, and may be returned for shortening if they exceed that length. Contributions for the Notes and Documents section do not usually exceed 1,000 words. Contributions should be typed, double spaced, and submitted as an electronic copy – either on a CD or by e-mail attachment. Articles accompanied by good-quality colour or black-and-white illustrations are especially welcome. All Articles are peer reviewed and are abstracted in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life . Material for consideration should be sent to the Honorary Editor, Andrew Cormack, PhD, FSA, FRHistS, 36 Ebbisham Road, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 8NE. E-mail:
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